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Speziell für die Lüfterzucht

Speziell für die Lüfterzucht

Characteristics of industrial air coolers:

1. Low operating cost; Investment can be quickly recovered: Compared with traditional compressor air conditioning series, the power consumption is only about 1/8-1/10.

2. Obvious cooling effect; In humid areas (southern areas, etc.), it is generally possible to achieve a significant cooling effect of around 5-9 ℃. In particularly hot and dry regions (northern and northwestern regions, etc.), the cooling range reaches about 10-15 ℃.

3. Low investment cost; Does not occupy the building area: Compared to traditional compressor air conditioning systems, the cost is less than half, and equipment does not occupy the building area.

4. Keep the indoor air clean, clean, and sanitary; Opening doors and windows to exhaust is a major feature of steam type air conditioners. The 100% fresh air exchange method allows people to always be in the natural environment, completely discharging polluted air out of the room, completely without the discomfort of traditional air conditioners.

5. Easy to maintain and install; The system is simple, easy to install and maintain, and requires no professional maintenance personnel.

6. Low noise and vibration; At present, the domestic similar products have low noise, and we don’t know whether the fresh and natural cool air itself does not radiate heat to the surrounding area.

What are the advantages of a water cooled fan for aquaculture

Prinzip der Kühlung: Durch die gleichmäßige Bedeckung des Wasserfilms an der Innenwand der nasser VorhangWenn trockene und heiße Luft durch den nassen Vorhang strömt, wird das Wasser auf dem nassen Vorhang von der Luft eingeschlossen und verdunstet. Da es sich bei der Verdunstung um einen thermischen Prozess handelt, sinkt die Temperatur der trockenen und heißen Luft, die Luftfeuchtigkeit nimmt zu, und die Raumluft wird kühl und feucht. Unabhängig davon, wie hoch die ursprüngliche Raumtemperatur ist, wie stark der Staub ist und wie viele Gerüche vorhanden sind, kann die Kaltluftfunktion das Raumklima in angemessener Weise verbessern.

By adding air supply pipeline equipment, the goal of local air supply cooling, post air supply, station dust removal, and range odor removal can be achieved. It is suitable for use in various harsh environments that are not suitable for comprehensive air supply, provided that the wind direction and volume can be adjusted. For example, glass lamp workshop, precision welding workshop, and glass wire drawing workshop, due to these workplaces, wind can affect production and the environmental temperature is very high. Local air supply has solved a major problem that has troubled enterprises for many years.

What are the advantages of aquaculture water-cooled fans

It utilizes high-tech water curtain products, based on the principle of water evaporation and heat absorption, to absorb air from the external environment, cool down, and deliver it to high-temperature areas, thereby making the environment comfortable and improving efficiency. This type of equipment has direct effects such as humidification, ventilation, oxygen and dust removal, air purification, and odor removal while cooling.

1. Low investment and high efficiency: Install central air conditioning units and evaporative air conditioners in the same area, with evaporative air conditioners accounting for one-third of the total investment in central air conditioning.

2. Low power consumption and only one hour of electricity consumption: Installing central air conditioning and “Green” evaporative air conditioning units in the same area only requires about 10% -20% of the power consumption of traditional air conditioning units

3. Stable performance and excellent quality: 10cm thick “multi-layer corrugated fiber composite wet window” with strong cooling ability, using three blade turbine wing forward swept curved blades, low noise, * *.

4. Far air supply: 18000M3 of high air volume per hour; The wind pressure is high and the air supply is far away.

Speziell für die Lüfterzucht


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