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Aquakultur Ventilator Wasservorhang Kühlung


Wet curtain air conditioners, also known as water curtain air conditioners, utilize the physical principle of “water evaporation cooling”, which is an air conditioner capable of simultaneously “indoor cooling, ventilation, dust removal, and odor removal.” The working space of a wet curtain air conditioner must have a certain area of ventilation channels. If the ventilation space is sufficient, and the wet curtain air conditioner operates normally, The cooling area obtained by wet curtain air conditioners will be much larger than the actual cooling area of traditional air conditioners, and the operating cost of wet curtain air conditioners is about one seventh of that of ordinary air conditioners.

The installation location of a wet curtain air conditioner must be carefully selected. Generally, it is better to install it in the outer room, which is determined by the condition that “the operation of a nasser Vorhang air conditioner requires wind movement”; The length of the air duct of the wet curtain air conditioner should be controlled at about 18 meters, and should not be too long, and there should be no bends at the connection of the air duct; Wet curtain air conditioners should be installed in a space with good air quality, as they constantly exchange airflow with the outside world during operation. If the air quality of the installation space of nasser Vorhang air conditioners is poor, it will pollute the air quality of the entire indoor space; The main unit of a wet curtain air conditioner weighs a lot,

Therefore, it is recommended to use a steel welded frame with a strong structure when installing the external support of the nasser Vorhang air conditioner.

Wet curtain air conditioners are widely used in practical applications, such as “large shopping malls, electronic manufacturing workshops, textile bleaching and dyeing factories, plastic spray painting units, and even food manufacturing enterprises”,

Because only by installing nasser Vorhang air conditioners in such a spatial environment can an environment with ‘good air quality’ be achieved, thereby ensuring the physical health of staff.

Nasser Vorhang air conditioners have the advantages of “low installation investment, long usage time, low power consumption, long cold air lift, and simultaneously regulating indoor air humidity”, which is even more suitable for the application of “multilayer corrugated fiber laminated wet curtain” materials in wet curtain air conditioners,

“Double enhance the temperature regulation ability of the nasser Vorhang air conditioner, and even without using a Freon compressor, it can still achieve satisfactory work efficiency, which is very consistent with the modern concept of” scientific and environmental protection “in production and life.”.

In addition, the traditional aluminum alloy profile upper frame cooling water curtain is blocked in the water spray pipe, and it is difficult to replace the old nasser Vorhang paper, which has troubled the breeding farm for many years.

For this issue, some companies have designed a deep water tank cooling water curtain cooling system without building a water reservoir. This system deepens the water tank framework, allowing the water source to achieve internal self circulation within the cooling water curtain framework, eliminating the need to build a water reservoir, resolving dirt, and avoiding water pump erosion.

The advantages of this system are: automatic replenishment of water through internal circulation in deep water tanks, no need to build a reservoir, resolving dirt, occupying land for the reservoir, and high cost;

The deep sink is made of high-quality PVC, which is resistant to aging;

Adopting land self priming water pumps to solve problems such as rust and sludge blockage in submersible pumps;

Aquakultur Ventilator Wasservorhang Kühlung


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