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Fabricante de torres

Fabricante de torres
Fully automatic feed tower for pig breeding


1. Feed tower can cooperate with feeding equipment to achieve feeding, save labor, improve production efficiency, and greatly reduce breeding costs.

2. Feeding tower combined with automatic feeding line can improve the turnover rate of sows and reduce the elimination rate on hand.

3. The use of the entire automated feeding line, coupled with the use of quantitative buckets, can shorten feeding time, quiet the feeding process, and alleviate sow stress reactions.

4. The use of feed towers in conjunction with automatic pig raising equipment can effectively reduce personnel turnover, reduce feed waste and pollution, and promote biosafety prevention and control.

5. Saving labor input also increases worker retention.

The use of the feed tower will cooperate with the feed line host, dosing bucket, stainless steel corner, feed line pipe, stopper chain, etc. to form an automated feed system. The specifications of the feed tower range from a few tons to dozens of tons, suitable for large pig farms. The feed tower is mostly made of galvanized sheet material, which can provide excellent heat and corrosion resistance.

Hot dip galvanized sheet metal is very popular in our livestock industry, and some people also refer to galvanized sheet metal towers as pellet feed storage towers. This type of material tower is a centralized feed storage device that can be developed by the factory. Next

With the development and popularization of large, medium, and small farms, galvanized feeding towers have also emerged, and this type of feeding machinery has become a common sight for every livestock farmer. When we equip the feeder with the machinery and equipment of a chain conveyor, it is possible to restart the regular delivery of granular feed to the livestock barn, allowing it to complete the entire delivery process.

This galvanized sheet material tower is mainly composed of its silo, which is composed of a flip cover type, steps, and columns. The upper side of the feed tower is mainly cylindrical, while the lower side gradually becomes conical. A part of the cone of the lower cone is usually provided with observation holes, which allows us to check the horizontal silo of materials and observe whether the consumed concentrated feed is sufficient. The important point of the galvanized sheet material tower is to store dry granular materials and granular concentrated feed. Moreover, the volume specifications of galvanized plate towers vary greatly. We can choose based on the volume of the feed tower, and of course, we can also choose the specification and model of the feed tower to place our concentrated feed according to this specification. Generally, we can operate according to our own requirements, or we can customize according to our own requirements.

Galvanized sheet metal towers all have an automatic feeding line, which has long been a key tool in automation technology and fully automated assembly lines in the breeding industry with the development of modern society. Such a feed tower also has good quality and is relatively light, with almost zero pollution to our concentrated feed. The development trend of such galvanized sheet steel tower machinery will become stronger and stronger! Almost every livestock farm now uses galvanized material towers, which are different from ordinary material towers because the material used is galvanized sheet, so the quality can be obtained. The surface aluminum content of galvanized sheet steel is 55%, with 43.5% zinc content and some trace elements. From our microscopic condition, the zinc aluminum coating presents a honeycomb shape, so the galvanized sheet steel tower has the characteristics of high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance, and its service life is also very long. Therefore, everyone should not worry about whether the service time of the galvanized sheet steel tower is very short.Fabricante de torres


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