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Torre de alimentación automática de granjas porcinas

Torre de alimentación automática de granjas porcinas

Pig farm storage towers are essential in the current large-scale pig farms. The automatic feeding system is a standard configuration, and galvanized material towers are more commonly used. The bulk feed tower greatly facilitates the daily work of breeding workers and reduces their work intensity. The feed tower avoids the tedious steps of packaging, transporting, and unpacking bagged feed. The galvanized plate can also prevent the feed from getting damp and deteriorating.

Product Advantages

1. The feed in the storage tower of the pig farm is transported from the bottom to the pig house. After the new feed is put in, it is located above. The early released feed is transported first, which can always maintain the freshness of the feed;

2. Convenient for quantitative feeding, the feeding tower is equipped with a feeding line and a metering cylinder, and the staff can feed the pigs according to their feed requirements at different stages, to avoid uneven consumption during manual feeding and uneven growth of the pigs;

3. To avoid feed waste, the closed management of the feed tower does not touch the ground, reducing the leakage and pollution waste caused by insects and ants during the removal and transportation of bagged feed;

4. The dosing is convenient, and some preventive measures need to be taken during the growth of pigs. The dosing of feed in the feed tower is convenient and uniform;

5. Reduce the labor intensity of breeding staff, and automatic control greatly facilitates breeding staff to feed pigs, improving work efficiency; The storage tower can be divided into four, six, and eight leg styles based on its weight. Compared to the original assembly on the ground, which now has brackets fixed to the wheels, it can be rotated and assembled in situ. With the brackets, there is no need to worry about soiling components, and the rotation of the wheels can also save effort.

equipment installation

1. Select a flat area at a suitable distance from the farm, clean the ground and prepare for installation;

2. Tighten the bolts for connecting the steel base and sensor, and adjust the position of the sensor connecting plate to fix the bolts;

3. After the tower assembly is completed, connect the sensor and leg mounting plate, and connect the base and tower leg mounting plate with screws;

4. After lifting the tower body to the preset position, adjust the screw to ensure the connection and fixation of the tower leg mounting plate;

5. Adjust the sensor bolt to make it rotate freely and weigh the feed accurately;The mechanization, scale, and automation of modern aquaculture have been rapidly promoted and applied in recent years. Due to China’s support for aquaculture, many aquaculture equipment has been included in the scope of agricultural machinery purchase subsidies, greatly increasing the enthusiasm of aquaculture farms to purchase aquaculture equipment. Many aquaculture equipment has been promoted in large-scale farms. The main promotion is the automatic conveying and feeding system for dry materials. The process of the dry material automatic conveying system is: from the feeding device to the feeding truck, then to the feeding tower and pipeline conveying structure, and then to the feeding trough of the livestock. In the entire conveying system, in order to keep the feed fresh and free from mold, the breeding material tower becomes the top priority of the entire conveying systemThe early feed storage containers used in livestock farms were made of galvanized sheets and plastic. Galvanized towers are lightweight and easy to transport, but due to poor insulation and corrosion, they are gradually being phased out. The present invention has the advantages of light weight, convenient transportation and installation, smooth surface, stable feeding, and low cost.

6. Check whether the equipment is in normal use.Torre de alimentación automática de granjas porcinas


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