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invernadero de refrigeración evaporativa Calefacción eléctrica para invernaderos

Calefacción eléctrica para invernaderos

1、 Introduction to aquaculture fan products

As the name suggests, a breeding fan is a device that can emit warm air. Generally speaking, the high temperature is about 40 ℃. It includes three parts: heating, blowing, and temperature and blowing control and protection. The heater used in the aquaculture industry is the aquaculture fan.

2、 Design reasons for breeding fan:

Improper design, poor dynamic characteristics, forced vibration or self-excited vibration during operation

Unreasonable structure, stress concentration

The design operating speed approaches or falls into the critical speed zone

Incorrect calculation of thermal expansion, resulting in poor thermal alignment

3、 Reasons for installation and maintenance of breeding fan:

Improper mechanical installation, misaligned components, and high preload

What are the advantages of using electric heaters and stoves in farms with poor shaft alignment

Improper adjustment of machine geometric parameters (such as fit clearance, interference, and relative position)

Due to large pipe stress, the dynamic characteristics and installation accuracy of the machine have been changed under working conditions

Improper placement of the rotor for a long time has changed the dynamic balance accuracy

Failure to perform maintenance according to regulations has damaged the original mating properties and accuracy of the machine

4、 Operation and operation reasons of breeding fan

Process parameters (such as medium temperature, pressure, flow, load, etc.) deviate from the design value, and the operating condition of the machine is

Four Advantages and Characteristics of Aquaculture Warm Air Fans

1. Fast heating up

High power, the combustion cylinder of the heater is made of titanium alloy, which accelerates heating.

2. Heating air

The heater on the diesel engine can directly heat the air, making it less dry.

3. Low cost

The breeding heater automatically controls the temperature, which is quite intelligent. When the temperature reaches a certain level, it can activate the constant temperature mode, reducing fuel consumption.

Environmental protection

Traditional chicken house heating methods such as station stoves, firewalls, and kang surfaces are all static heating, which belongs to radiative heat conduction, slow heating, uneven heating space, high energy consumption, and poor fruit quality; And the inability to ventilate is often due to the lack of fresh air and buoyancy caused by various diseases such as high and low humidity. Rooster, avian influenza, and various chronic respiratory diseases. In the breeding stage, a high temperature of 40 ℃ is required to ensure the disease resistance cycle environment for chickens with strong disease resistance. Traditional heating methods cannot be achieved. The furnace adopts a new heating technology that integrates combustion and heat exchange, and the high-temperature furnace body is heated by a hanging container. Smoke and clean air are used in their respective ways. The air is heated to 150 ° C through the furnace body and becomes fresh air. Internal and external circulation, free switching, simultaneous heating and ventilation, quickly reducing ammonia gas in the greenhouse. Solve chick gas poisoning and effectively prevent respiratory diseases.

energy conservation

The electric heating fan adopts an electric heating method, which is more environmentally friendly and energy saving. The humanized design of the dual fan is energy-saving and efficient. The operation of the fan and smoke exhaust fan is controlled by an automatic temperature controller, which is likely to save electricity.


Temperature balance (temperature difference -1 ° C -+1 ° C) allows the chicken coop to heat up quickly, reaching 38 ° C in 90 minutes. The coal consumption is 2-10kg/h. The high heat rate is 150000 kcal/h.


The electric heater has an automatic alarm function, automatic temperature control, automatic ventilation, automatic pressure ignition when the air outlet temperature reaches the set value, and microcomputer automatic control of the air supply fan and blower.

abnormalinvernadero de refrigeración evaporativa Calefacción eléctrica para invernaderos


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