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Calentador eléctrico

El aerotermo es una unidad combinada compuesta por ventilador, motor y radiador. Es aplicable a diversos tipos de talleres en los que se puede reciclar el aire. Cuando el aire no contiene polvo ni gases inflamables, puede utilizarse para calefacción por circulación de aire.

Descripción de los productos


Calentador eléctrico

The heater is a combined unit composed of ventilator, motor and radiator. It is applicable to various types of workshops where the air is allowed to be recycled. When the air does not contain dust and flammable gas, it can be used for circulating air heating.

The heater is mainly composed of air heater and fan. The air heater dissipates heat, and then the fan sends it out, so that the indoor air temperature can be adjusted. The air heater is composed of spiral finned tubes. For example, the heat exhaust pipe of steam heater is wrapped with aluminum strip special equipment with a wall thickness of Φ 21.5 On the seamless boiler pipe, the sheet spacing is 2.5mm, the exhaust pipe and the heat medium flow pipe are of integral welded structure, and the working pressure of the heater is below 0.8MPa.

Packaging and logistics freight


  • Puerto: Shandong, China

  • Incoterms: FOB, CFR, CIF. EXW

  • Forma de pago: carta de crédito, transferencia telegráfica

  • Certificación: CE, ISO, UL, QS, GMP

  • Periodo de garantía: 1 año

  • Plazo medio de entrega: en temporada alta 3-6 meses, fuera de temporada: 1-3 meses

Calentador eléctrico


Ámbito de aplicación


Sus ventajas con los cojinetes de polímero y las cadenas portacables igus®:
  • Factory workshop, material warehouse, moisture-proof drying, local heating

  • Construction site, road and bridge, cement maintenance, field heating

  • Oil drilling, coal mining area, deicing and antifreezing, equipment insulation

  • Railway airport, yacht ship, paint drying, construction insulation

  • Military vehicle equipment, command tent, mobile heating, convenient heating

  • Greenhouse, venue and club, clean heat, fast heating

Calentador eléctrico


Maintenance skills


Calentador eléctrico

After a period of driving, there is a layer of foreign matter and dust on the surface of the water tank of the heater. If it is not cleaned, the heat dissipation will be affected. After a long time of operation, the blower motor should be maintained and replaced. This operation process must be judged and maintained by professional personnel. It is not allowed to disassemble the motor without permission, which may easily cause short circuit and motor not rotating, or burn the fuse, or seriously cause harness burning and fire. The ventilation pipe of the motor cannot be removed, which is easy to cause overheating and burning of the motor. The variable speed resistance can change the gear of the motor. If the first and second gears are used for a long time, the resistance will burn out and affect the normal use. If this problem is found, it should be replaced in time. After the operating system is used for a long time, the control cable is prone to aging and deformation, which makes the operation inflexible or not in place. Do not move it hard to avoid damage to parts. If this problem is found, it should be judged at the maintenance station and repaired and replaced according to the specific situation. The ventilation pipes, namely the No. 1 and No. 2 rubber pipes of the heater, are easily aged and cracked due to long-term use under high temperature. If problems are found, they should be replaced in time to avoid water leakage, resulting in high water temperature and deformation of the engine cylinder head. Replace the rubber hose with the rubber hose provided by Xiali Car. The inferior rubber hose is not corrosion resistant.

During the use of the device, attention should be paid to the following points: when the temperature is below 0 ℃ in winter, there will be a layer of ice and frost on the front windshield. Start the engine, raise the water temperature to above 40 ℃, put the control in the defrosting position according to the sign, put the circulation in the indoor circulation position, turn on the blower motor and put it in the third gear position, at this time, the motor speed is the highest, and make it run for 3-5 minutes, and then put the gear in the first and second gear positions according to the defrosting situation. During this period, the driver should not leave the cab. If the motor does not rotate, immediately shift the motor to the closed position to avoid burning the variable speed resistor. When the outside temperature is low and there are many drivers and passengers in the cab, the glass will frost. You can put the control in the defrost position and the outdoor circulation position, and the motor can be put in the first or second gear position, so that the frost can be removed. When there is no wind, sand and dust outside, the circulation can be put outside to make the cab air fresh. If there are sandstorm and dust or the weather is too cold, put the circulation into the room to avoid sandstorm and dust entering the cab.

Safety warning


  • Do not place the electric heater directly next to the power socket. Do not touch the heating element inside the heater with your hands to avoid danger!!

    Do not cover the electric heater when it is heating. If it is covered, the heater will overheat· It is not allowed to use the heater in any water or wet place, such as sink, bathtub, swimming pool, etc. If there is water dripping into the running heater, it may cause short circuit or electric leakage of the machine.

    The electric heater should be stored in a safe place away from inflammables, and the minimum distance should not be less than 0.5 meters.

    Do not use it in places full of dust and gasoline, paint thinner and other flammable and explosive dangerous goods to prevent danger.

    Do not use electric heater near curtains, door curtains and textiles to avoid fire.

    Pay special attention to safety when applying the heater in places where children and animals often appear.

    Before using the electric heater, check whether the voltage and current meet the requirements of the machine.

    The electric heater must use the socket with grounding, and the wire must meet the requirements,

    An electric shock occurs in an emergency.

    Do not unplug the power cord directly. After turning off the machine, wait for the machine to cool down before unplugging the power cord.

    Please unplug the power when the electric heater is not applicable.





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