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Calentador eléctrico para granjas porcinas

Calentador eléctrico para granjas porcinas

Which is better, electric heating or electric heating

1. Comfort

In terms of comfort, electric heating emits more evenly heat, with quiet operation and low noise. However, heating can cause dust, which may cause discomfort in the nasal cavity over time, with high noise and uneven heat emission. Whether it’s an electric heater or a heater that has been used for a long time, it can make people feel dry.

2. Power consumption

In terms of electricity consumption, only high-power electric heaters in winter can achieve good heating effects. Moreover, the electric heater itself generates heat and emits light, and some of the electrical energy is wasted on luminescence. The same room generates the same heat, and the power required by the heater is slightly smaller. Some heaters can only generate heat without emitting light, depending on the gear and model selected.

3. Working principle

The upper part of the electric heating hood is an air outlet, and the lower part is an air inlet. After being powered on, the air around the electric heating tube is heated and rises, flowing out from the air outlet, while the surrounding cold air enters and replenishes from the air inlet. This repeated circulation improves the indoor temperature. A common type of heater on the market uses an electric heater as a heating material, using a fan to blow out the heat. Another type of PTC ceramic heating equipment is now commonly known as electric heaters, which are very convenient to plug in directly and very clean to use. For friends engaged in farming, it is also very practical to choose a special electric heater for farming. Therefore, let’s take a look at the advantages of electric heaters for farming, as well as the installation and precautions of electric heaters.

Breeding and raising chicks

In this field, heating is a very important project, and industrial hot air fans are specifically designed for products in such places. Chickens need to survive in a climate of around 33 degrees Celsius when they are just hatched. Generally, considering cost issues, farmers will build a greenhouse model because this type of building is basically designed to provide sunlight during the day, which can solve the heating problem without bearing any costs, even in severe winter, As long as the sunlight is bright, even if the external ambient temperature is low, it can still achieve the desired effect indoors. But at night, they are useless. Of course, they can rely on industrial hot air fans and stoves to solve this problem. They do not require preheating and have efficient heating devices, which can use various fuels such as fuel, gas, coal, electricity, etc. They have a wide range of options and can be adjusted to the required temperature through built-in temperature control devices, achieving fully automatic operation. At night, they can be unmanned, Eliminated labor costs.

Applicable scope

Mainly used in factories, warehouses, workshops, hospitals, docks, cruise ships, construction sites, warehousing logistics, underground garages, and outdoor performances, exhibitions, or press conferences, it is an excellent heating facility for outdoor venues. It can also be used for raw materials such as livestock greenhouses, bamboo and wood craft factories, leather processing factories, as well as building materials, food, maintenance, decoration, industrial products, and agricultural products for drying, heating, insulation, and antifreeze purposes. Suitable for heating and warming up large areas and spaces, especially for the rapid drying treatment of the outer surface of products such as motors, pumps, and plastic parts.The K-type thermocouple at the air outlet feeds back the air temperature to the temperature control instrument at any time. The instrument monitors the actual working temperature based on the set temperature and transmits relevant information back to the solid-state relay to control whether the heater is working. At the same time, the ventilator can use air volume regulators (frequency converters, dampers) to adjust the size of the blowing air volume, thereby achieving control of working temperature and air volume. In addition, the industrial hot air fan has also installed an overtemperature protection circuit for the fan inlet and motor, and an emergency brake switch for the main circuit, further improving the protection of the equipment.

Calentador eléctrico para granjas porcinas


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