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Bac en acier inoxydable

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Bac en acier inoxydable


The stainless steel feeding trough is an essential automatic feeding trough for modern pig farms. The feeding can be adjusted, and the powder and granule materials are suitable for the conservation and finishing of pigs. Made of high-quality 201 or 304 stainless steel plate, it is not easy to rust and deform, and the interior is smooth and easy to clean. Our company uses laser cutting machine to cut and punch holes, and numerical control bending machine to flange. The size of the material groove made is more accurate, each part is more rounded and fine, and the appearance is more beautiful!

Advantages of stainless steel trough


   1. The chassis made of BMC composite material has high hardness, design, no scattering, no dead angle, and can be used by multiple pigs at the same time!

  • 2. It has the advantages of smooth and beautiful appearance, reliable quality, careful processing, durability, good stability, time-saving and labor-saving, fast delivery, no waste of feed, and reduction of gastrointestinal diseases. Advantages of stainless steel trough

  • 3. On the basis of the original, the automatic feeder is added. This product has the function of all-day feeding, the pigs grow evenly, and it can save feed. One person can feed 400 pigs. With it, each pig can save 20-30 kg of feed, and it can be sold 20-30 days in advance. It is 5-10 times the efficiency of the aboveground feeding method, and is an ideal replacement product for modern pig farms.

  • There are 6 holes on each side of the stainless steel pig feed trough for pigs to feed and gradually feed, reducing the waste of feed.

    Suitable for dry and automatic feed feeding machinery and equipment. When the feed tank is full, the excess feed can be recycled to the feed bin.

    It is applicable to the non-feeding of dry powder and granular materials, which saves time and effort in one feeding, increases weight, is clean and sanitary, and reduces intestinal diseases. Advantages of stainless steel trough

  • Pigs have always been kept at eight percent full and are in a good state of growth.

  • It greatly reduces the labor intensity of the breeders, avoids waste, reduces costs and increases benefits.

    Characteristics of feeding trough for fattening pigs: advantages of stainless steel feeding trough

  • 1. Save feed and reduce costs.

  • 2. Eating hygiene and reducing the probability of infectious diseases.

  • 3. The breeding cycle is shortened and sold in advance.

  • 4. Automatic feed supply and labor saving.

  • 5. The feeding trough of fattening pigs is made of stainless steel and welded. The surface is smooth and flat. The weld is treated with stainless steel varnish, which is corrosion resistant and not easy to rust.

  • 6. The feed regulating device is reasonably designed and easy to operate, with uniform discharge at both ends, and adjustable height can be selected at will.

  • 7. The feeding surface in the feeding trough of finishing pigs is smooth and not easy to store.

Bac en acier inoxydable


What kinds of stainless steel trough are there and its characteristics


The stainless steel feed trough can be divided into single-row, double-row and multi-row according to the configuration of the pig house in the house:
  • ① Single-row type, stainless steel dry and wet feed trough, arranged in a row of pig houses (generally on the south side of the house), with and without walkways on the north side of the feed trough and pig house. The pig house has good ventilation and lighting. The air in the house is fresh and moisture-proof. A walkway is set on the north side, which can provide thermal insulation and cold protection. A sports ground can be set on the south side outside the house. The building span is small and the structure is simple. The disadvantage is that the building utilization rate is low. Generally, small and medium-sized pig farm buildings and male pig house buildings mostly use this kind of building form.

  • ② Double-row type, this is a good stainless steel tank for raising pigs. The pig house is arranged in two rows in the house. There is a passage in the middle. Generally, there is no outdoor sports ground. The main advantages are that it is convenient for management, the price of pig cement tank is quoted, it is convenient to realize mechanized feeding, good thermal insulation, and high building utilization rate. The disadvantage is that the daylighting and moisture-proof performance of single-row pig house is good. This form is generally adopted for fattening in pig houses.

  • ③ The pig houses are arranged in more than three rows, usually four rows. The multi-pillar pig house has centralized fields, short transportation lines and high production efficiency. The heat dissipation area of the building’s peripheral structure is small, and the thermal insulation is relatively good in winter. However, the span of the building structure is increased, the pig cement tank is wholesale, and the building structure is complex. Lack of natural lighting.

  • The stainless steel trough is made of 201 stainless steel with high strength and corrosion resistance. According to the different specifications, there are two kinds of feed tanks, one for preservation and the other for fattening.

    Stainless steel trough has the following characteristics:

  • It is resistant to high temperature and low temperature, and the breeding environment is sometimes bad, which makes the storage tank stable all year round.

  • Stainless steel pig double fabric trough can be configured with dry and wet functions.

Bac en acier inoxydable


Precautions for use of stainless steel material trough


Due to the development of aquaculture industry, stainless steel materials are used more and more in farms. What should be paid attention to when using stainless steel material tanks in pig farms?
  • 1. Size of chute

    In order to ensure the feeding space of pigs, the width of stainless steel pig feeding trough is usually 1.1 times of the width of pig’s shoulder, and the feeding position width=6.7 (cm) * body weight (kg) 0.333. It is recommended to take the elevation when using

  • 2. Material chute grille

    If it can reach 1.1 times the width of the shoulder, there is almost no fight from the block to the pig’s shoulder. The average fight rate from the block to the head is about 7%. If there is no block, there is about 19% of the fight rate.

  • 3. Chute selection

    It is recommended to use dry and wet feeding device for dry and wet feeding, which has little effect on feeding speed of piglets; Pay attention to the size of feed level to meet the needs of pigs, and select dry and wet feeding device according to the feeding speed of piglets.

Bac en acier inoxydable



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