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Ventilatore a pressione negativa dell'allevamento di bestiame

Ventilatore a pressione negativa per l'allevamento del bestiame

Advantages of negative pressure fans

Convenient installation, negative pressure fan without motor, no power consumption, no noise, small size, light weight, high exhaust efficiency, and convenient installation. Save you a lot of manpower and material resources.

The negative pressure fan has a long service life and can operate for at least ten years, benefiting from more than ten years;

High sensitivity, saving a lot of operating costs;

High efficiency. Negative pressure fans only require a small amount of air, which is very effective in improving the working environment and efficiency of the factory. Can bring you fresh air convection, remove hot air, exhaust or odor.

Maintenance-free and maintenance-free, the negative pressure fan adopts a complete set of fully sealed high-grade bearings, which require no lubrication, and is sturdy and durable.

Widely used, ventilatori a pressione negativa are widely used in agriculture, animal husbandry, industry, public places, and other industries, making important contributions to improving the environment。

Negative pressure ventilation utilizes the cooling principle of air convection and negative pressure ventilation, which naturally sucks in fresh air from the opposite direction of the installation site, quickly and forcefully expelling hot indoor gases from the outside to improve the air quality of the chicken coop. It has the advantages of efficient energy conservation, ventilation and breathability, improving work efficiency, and being healthy and environmentally friendly.

1. Negative pressure ventilation is a ventilation mode that uses mechanical methods (fans) to actively extract air from the chicken coop and passively intake air.

2. How is negative pressure formed?

Negative pressure ventilation is the result of the intake air volume being less than the exhaust air volume, or it can be said that the exhaust air volume is greater than the intake air volume.

3. Chicken does not need negative pressure, and people do not need negative pressure. So who needs negative pressure?

Negative pressure ventilation is a comprehensive requirement of building mode, season, heating mode, and ventilation mode.

4. If you can achieve balance, no dead corners, and stress free ventilation, the smaller the negative pressure, the better.

5. After leaving the on-site inspection, no one can give you a relatively accurate negative pressure value.

6. For a chicken coop with a span of 13 meters and a length of 120 meters, the safe and reasonable negative pressure range is between 18 and 30. In the current season, the negative pressure is generally around 12 to 15 in summer. If it exceeds 25, the negative pressure will be too large, leading to hypoxia. Many chicken farms have negative pressure exceeding 35, causing hypoxia in the coop. Treatment for chicken diseases is almost ineffective.

Negative pressure is a phenomenon that only occurs when there is vertical ventilation and high ventilation volume. It needs to be flexibly adjusted according to the size of the chicken and the air quality (air quality tester – measuring oxygen, sulfur dioxide, and ammonia), as well as the ventilation mode and ventilation volume.

7. Test the direction of the wind with an air cannon: At the same time, open the air cannon on both sides of the small window to see if the smoke can reach the middle position. The smoke test proves that the direction of the wind is exactly along the roof towards the middle of the chicken coop and then falls, indicating that the wind energy entering the chicken coop from the outside is fully mixed with the air inside the coop. This wind speed is the optimal wind speed. Under the same conditions, the greater the negative pressure, the higher the wind speed.

8. Use negative pressure to control the size of the small window and determine the wind speed. The ideal state is when the wind reaches half the middle of the chicken coop and exceeds 1 meter. Record the measured wind speed, negative pressure, number of open windows, window size, and other data for future reference.

Negative pressure fan of livestock breeding farm


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