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Raffreddatori d'aria per allevamenti di suini

Raffreddatori d'aria per allevamenti di suini

Firstly, high efficiency; Each air cooler covers an area of 100 to 130 square meters, with a supply air volume of 6000 to 80000 cubic meters. The efficiency of the air cooler in operation is higher. Secondly, energy conservation and environmental protection; The power consumption of the air cooler is only 0.5 to 0.8 degrees per hour and does not use Freon, which does not cause pollution. The cooling effect is obvious; In hot and dry areas, the cooling range can also reach around 10-15 degrees. Finally, maintenance is simple and convenient; Basically self serviceable.

What is a cold air blower? A cold air blower uses the principle of evaporative cooling of all fresh outdoor air to cool down and conduct convection ventilation with the indoor air to achieve the purpose of indoor ventilation and cooling. The core of the main components of the air cooler is an evaporative tenda bagnata and a 1.1KW main motor, which consumes 1/8 of the power of traditional air conditioners and can save more power for various industries. Air conditioners are generally divided into household air conditioners and industrial air conditioners. Domestic air conditioners are generally used for cooling, ventilation, dust prevention, odor removal, etc., while industrial air conditioners are generally used in cold storage and cold chain logistics refrigeration environments.

Main features of the air cooler:

1. High efficiency. The cooling fan blade is designed with a three-dimensional fluid, which is shaped like a twisted wing and can be adjusted in angle. Each air conditioner covers an area of 100-130 square meters, and the air supply capacity of each air conditioner is 6000-80000 cubic meters. Therefore, the efficiency of the air cooler in operation is higher.

2. Energy saving and environmental protection: The air cooler does not use Freon and does not generate hot gas, so it is more environmentally friendly. Compared to the traditional compressor air conditioning series, it consumes only 0.5 to 0.8 degrees per hour of power, so it is relatively more energy-saving.

3. The cooling effect is obvious, which can generally reach around 5-8 degrees in southern regions; In hot and dry areas, the cooling range can also reach 10-15 degrees, and when in use, it is possible to replace indoor turbid, muggy, and odorous air with outdoor air without closing the doors and windows.

4. Easy to maintain, the maintenance of the air cooler is simple and convenient, and it can basically be self maintained. And because its fan blades can be disassembled, it also brings convenience for maintenance of the air cooler.

The main features of the water curtain air cooler are:

1. Completely environmentally friendly product: It is an environmentally friendly product without compressor, cold coal, and pollution. It uses the principle of outdoor full fresh air evaporation cooling to cool down and exchange air with the indoor air to achieve indoor ventilation and cooling.

2. Low operating cost: Can quickly recover investment: Compared with traditional compressor air conditioning series, the power consumption is only 1/8-1/10 of it.

3. Obvious cooling effect: In humid areas (such as southern regions), it can generally achieve a significant cooling effect of around 5-9 ℃; In particularly hot and dry areas (such as the northern and northwestern regions), the cooling range can reach approximately 10-15 ℃.

4. Low investment cost and no occupation of building area: Compared with traditional compressor air conditioning systems, the cost is less than half, and the equipment does not occupy any building area.

5. Keeping indoor air clean, clean, and hygienic: Opening doors and windows for ventilation is a major feature of steam type air conditioners. The 100% fresh air replacement method keeps people in a natural environment at all times, completely expelling dirty air from the outside, without any discomfort brought by traditional air conditioning.

6. Easy to maintain and install: The system is simple, easy to install and maintain quickly, without the need for maintenance personnel.

7. Prevent air dryness: It can moisturize the skin and has certain benefits for the skin.

Raffreddatori d'aria per allevamenti di suini


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