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Finestra di ventilazione per polli

Finestra di ventilazione

How to install the ventilation window on the side of the laying hen house


Design of Laying Hen House and Equipment and Appliances for Raising Chickens 1. Design of Hen House 1. Types of Hen House Basically, there are two types of Hen House: Open Hen House (Common Hen House) and Closed Hen House. (1) Open chicken coop: The common form is a windowed chicken coop with walls on all sides, large windows on the south wall, and small windows on the north wall, with or without a sports ground on the south side. This type of chicken house relies entirely or mostly on natural ventilation and lighting, and the temperature and humidity inside the house basically vary with the seasons. Due to limited natural ventilation and lighting, ventilation and lighting equipment are often added in chicken houses such as production management towels to supplement the lack of ventilation and lighting under natural conditions. (2) Closed chicken house: also known as windowless chicken house. The top cover and four walls of this chicken house are well insulated; There are no windows on all sides, and the indoor environment is adjusted through manual or instrument control. Artificial ventilation and lighting are used in the chicken house, and the temperature, humidity, and air composition in the house are controlled by varying the amount of ventilation. Structural requirements for each part of the chicken house (1) Foundation and ground: The foundation should be deep and solid. The floor should be higher than the outside, moisture-proof, flat, and easy to clean and disinfect. (2) Wall: Good thermal insulation, able to protect against external wind and rain. Bricks or stones are often used to build the walls. Cement is used to plaster the joints on the outside of the walls, and cement or lime is used to hang the inside of the walls to prevent moisture and facilitate scouring. (3) Roof: Except for small chicken houses with a small flat breeding span, which use a single slope roof, double slope roofs are commonly used. (4) Doors and windows: The doors are generally located on the south side of the chicken house facing south. The size of the door is generally 2 meters high and 1 meter wide for a single door; The two doors are 2 meters high and 1.6 meters wide. The windows of an open chicken coop should be set on the front and rear walls, and the front windows should be wide and lower from the ground to facilitate lighting. The ratio of window to floor area is 110 to 18. The rear window should be small, approximately two-thirds of the area of the front window, and can be higher from the ground to facilitate summer ventilation. The enclosed chicken house is not provided with windows, but only with emergency windows and ventilation openings. (5) Chicken House Span, Length, and Height: The span of a chicken house depends on the form of the roof of the chicken house, the type of chicken house, and the feeding method. The general span is: open type chicken coop 6-10 meters, closed type chicken coop 12-15 meters. The length of a henhouse generally depends on the span of the henhouse and the degree of mechanization of management. A chicken house with a span of 6-10 meters and a length of 30-60 meters; A chicken house with a large span, such as 12 meters, is generally 70 to 80 meters long. A highly mechanized chicken house can be longer, but generally should not exceed 100 meters, otherwise the production and installation of mechanical equipment is difficult and the materials are not easy to solve. The height of the chicken coop should be determined according to the feeding method, fecal cleaning method, span, and climatic conditions. In areas with a small span, dry farming, and not too hot, chicken houses need not be too high, and generally the eaves of chicken houses are 2.0 to 2.5 meters high; With a large span and multi-layer cage, the height of the chicken coop is about 3 meters, or the upper layer of the chicken coop should be 1~1.5 meters from the roof; If it is a high bed enclosed chicken house, the height of the pit is generally 4.5 to 5 meters (1.8 to 2 meters higher than the general chicken house) due to the lower part of the pit. (6) Operation Room and Walkway: The operation room is a place where keepers operate and store tools. If the length of the chicken house does not exceed 40 meters, the operation room can be located at one end of the chicken house. If the length of the chicken house exceeds 40 meters, it should be located in the center of the chicken house. The location of the walkway depends on the span of the chicken house. When the span of a flat chicken house is relatively small, the walkway is generally located on the side of the chicken house, with a width of 1 to 1.2 meters; When the span is greater than 9 meters, the walkway is set in the middle, with a width of 1.5 to 1.8 meters, facilitating the use of a trolley for feeding. Caged chicken coops Regardless of the size of the coop span, depending on the arrangement of the coops, the walkway between the coops is 0.8 to 1.0 meters. (7) Sports ground: When an open chicken coop is raised flat on the ground, a sports ground is generally provided. The playground is the same length as the chicken house, and its width is about twice the span of the chicken house. 2、 Chicken breeding equipment and appliances 1. Chicken cages are the main equipment in cage chicken houses (1) Chicken cages: cage rearing of young chicks, generally using 3 to 4 layers of overlapping cage. The total height of the cage is about 1.7 meters, and the height of the cage leg is 10-15 centimeters. Each single cage has a cage length of 70-100 centimeters, a cage height of 30-40 centimeters, and a cage depth of 40-50 centimeters. The mesh is generally rectangular or square, with a bottom mesh aperture of 1.25 cm × 1.25 cm, with a side mesh and top mesh aperture of 2.5X2.5 cm. The cage door is located in the front, with an adjustable gap of 2-3 centimeters, and each cage can accommodate about 30 chickens. (2) Raised Chicken Cage: The combination forms are mostly three-layer overlapping, with an overall width of 1.6~1.7 meters and a height of 1.7~1.8 meters. The single cage is 80 centimeters long, 40 centimeters high, and 42 centimeters deep. Cage bottom mesh 4cm × 2cm, other mesh sizes are 2.5cm × 2.5 cm. Cage door size is 14cm × 15 cm, each single cage can accommodate 7-15 chickens. (3) Egg chicken cages: Common combinations include ladder, semi ladder, and overlapping cages. Each single cage is 40cm long, 45cm deep, 45cm high in the front, 38cm high in the back, and has a bottom slope of 6 ° to 8 °. The egg collecting trough extending out of the cage is 12-16cm. The cage door is opened in front, with a width of 21-24cm; Height: 40 cm, with a rolling gap of about 4.5 cm from the bottom edge to the bottom net. The aperture spacing of the cage bottom mesh is 2.2cm, and the weft spacing is 6cm. The aperture range of the top, side, and back meshes varies greatly, with a general mesh spacing of 10-20 cm in warp and 2.5-3 cm in weft. Each single cage can accommodate 3-4 chickens. The feeding equipment includes a feeding machine and a feeding trough. The feeding system of large chicken farms is mechanized, and the feeding machinery is equipped with a feeding trough. (1) Chain feeder: It is a commonly used feeder in China’s feeding machinery, and can be used for both flat and cage feeding. It consists of a feed box, a chain link, a drive, corner wheels, a long trough, and some are equipped with a feed cleaner. (2) Plug disk feeder: Designed for dry chicken coops, it is suitable for conveying dry powder full price feed. The 9WS – 35 plug disk feeder is composed of transmission device, material box, conveying parts, food trough, corner device, bracket, and other components. (3) Feeding trough: Common types include long shaped feeding trough and bucket type circular feeding trough. 3. Drinking water equipment (1) Tank type drinking water dispenser: depth: 50-60mm, upper mouth width: 50mm. There are “V” and “U” shaped sinks. Each sink in a flat chicken house is generally 3-5 meters long, and the length of the sink occupied by each chicken is generally 1 to 1.6 centimeters for young chicks and 3.6 centimeters for breeding chickens. (2) Tower shaped vacuum water dispenser; It consists of two parts: a drum and a water tray, and can be made of galvanized iron sheet and plastic. This water dispenser is suitable for flat raising chickens. (3) Nipple type drinking water dispenser: It is made of steel or stainless steel and consists of a threaded steel (copper) tube and a thimble switch valve. It can be installed directly on the water pipe. Gravity and capillary action are used to control water droplets, making a drop of water often hang at the tip of the thimble. When a chicken needs water, touch the thimble and the water will flow out; After drinking, the thimble valve seals the waterway again and no longer flows out. There are two types of nipple type water dispensers for chickens and adult chickens. Each water dispenser can accommodate 10-20 chickens or 3-5 adult chickens.Finestra di ventilazione per polli


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