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Raffreddatore d'aria dedicato in fabbrica

Raffreddatore d'aria per aziende agricole

Main features of water curtain air cooler:

1. Completely environmentally friendly product: It is an environmentally friendly product without compressor, cold coal, and pollution. It uses the principle of evaporative cooling of outdoor fresh air to cool down and conduct convection air exchange with indoor air to achieve indoor ventilation and cooling.

2. Low operating cost: Fast investment recovery: Compared to traditional compressor air conditioning series, the power consumption is only 1/8-1/10 of that.

3. Obvious cooling effect: In relatively humid areas (such as southern areas), it can generally achieve a significant cooling effect of around 5-9 ℃; In particularly hot and dry regions (such as the northern and northwestern regions), the cooling range can reach about 10-15 ℃.

4. Low investment cost and no occupancy of building area: Compared to traditional compressor air conditioning systems, the cost is less than half, and the equipment does not occupy any building area.

5. Keeping the indoor air clean, clean, and hygienic: Opening the doors and windows for ventilation is a major feature of steam type air conditioners. The 100% fresh air replacement method allows people to always be in a natural environment, completely discharging the dirty air out of the room, without any discomfort brought about by traditional air conditioners. Introduction to Functions of Special Water Curtain Air Cooler for Breeding

6. Easy to maintain and install: The system is simple, easy to install and maintain quickly, without maintenance personnel.

7. Prevent air drying: It can moisturize the skin and has certain benefits for the skin.

8. Low noise and low vibration: Currently, among similar products in China, this air conditioner has a low noise, allowing us to unconsciously obtain a fresh and natural cool wind; The body itself does not dissipate heat to the periphery.

Introduction to Functions of Special Water Curtain Air Cooler for Breeding

Air conditioners can be installed on walls, roofs, or outdoor floors to avoid excessive length of air ducts (such as KS-18). Generally, the length is 15-20 meters, and the number of air duct bends or unnecessary bends should be minimized.

When the environmental friendly air conditioner host is running, it is necessary to open a certain area of doors or windows for ventilation. If there are not enough doors and windows, an exhaust fan should be installed, and ensure that the exhaust volume is 80% of the total air supply volume of the environmental friendly air conditioner.

1. Characteristics of cold air fans

Energy saving: The power consumption per hour is only 1 kWh, the operating cost is low, and the power consumption is only 1/10 of that of central air conditioning, and 1/8 of that of traditional compressor air conditioning.

Environmental protection: No Freon, integrating odor removal, ventilation, cooling, temperature regulation, and humidity control.

Obvious cooling effect: Generally, it can achieve a cooling effect of 5 ℃ -15 ℃, and the cooling is fast.

Large air volume and long air supply: Each air conditioner has a maximum hourly air supply of 18000 to 60000 meters, with high air pressure and long air supply distance.

2. Principio di refrigerazione

Adopting efficient “direct evaporation refrigeration” technology. The principle is that water absorbs heat energy during the evaporation process, that is, while the enthalpy value remains unchanged, it absorbs the sensible heat of air and lowers the temperature of the air.

3. Tenda bagnata characteristics

When fresh air passes through the core components of the multi-layer corrugated fiber composite tenda bagnata, the water on the wet curtain directly contacts and evaporates with the fresh air, ultimately reducing the air temperature to near its wet bulb temperature.

4. Ventilation principle

After being filtered and cooled by an evaporative air conditioner, outdoor fresh air is continuously sent indoors, and turbid air with odor, dust, and high temperature is discharged outdoors to reduce indoor temperature.

Raffreddatore d'aria dedicato in fabbrica


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