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Кормовая башня для разведения

Башня для откорма свиней

Precautions for use of aquaculture feed tower

A certain number of vent holes are opened on the side of the tower cover of the breeding feed tower to discharge various gases and heat generated during the storage process of the feed. In addition, the tank body of the breeding feed tower is designed with anti-skid design to improve the loading safety in rainy and snowy days; Its box is equipped with multiple warehouses, which can be determined according to customer needs.

The advantage of the breeding feed tower is that it can achieve feed delivery and unified feeding operations according to different pig farm needs, and can reduce the labor intensity of dead pigs, reduce the labor volume of feeding personnel, reduce feeding personnel, reduce feeding costs, and improve work efficiency. In addition, we should also note that the breeding feed tower operates smoothly, without material jamming or blocking.

The application of breeding feed towers can effectively save feed, reduce waste (rat poaching, feed surplus, etc.), effectively control the diet of pigs, facilitate the standardization and scientific management of red silk thread feeding, and improve the level of feeding management. In addition, we should pay attention to the protection during the transportation and installation of the breeding material tower, and avoid damaging the body and components.

Installation of automated breeding material tower:

1. The entire tower is assembled with galvanized plates. But it is divided into three parts: upper cone, middle cone, and lower cone. During assembly, it is required that the edges should be interlocked and waterproof double-sided adhesive should be pasted on the inside, evenly and without internal or external leakage, and intermittently. 2. Assembly requirements for tower body screws: The upper cone screw fixation requires the screw cap to be on the inner wall of the tower body, and the outer wall to be equipped with waterproof washers. The fixing of the central cone screw requires the screw cap to be on the inner wall and a waterproof washer to be worn on the outer wall. The fixing of the lower cone screw requires the screw cap to be on the outer wall and a waterproof washer to be worn on the outer wall. The screw fixation of the upper and lower cone openings requires the screw cap to be on the inner wall and the waterproof washer to be worn on the outer wall. The screw fixation of the support legs of the material tower requires the screw cap to be on the inner wall, and a waterproof washer to be worn between the material tower and the tower legs.

3. Installation standards for observation holes: The observation holes are assembled on the outer wall of the tower, equipped with rubber gaskets, fixed with screws on the inner wall of the tower, and equipped with waterproof washers on the outer wall. 4. Safety barrier standards: The ring body assembly is balanced, and the baffle assembly is vertical. The overall screw is used to fix the screw cap on the outer wall. The screws are tightly fixed without looseness.

5. Assembly standard for material tower cover: The pulley is fixed flexibly, and the tower cover is easy to open and close. After closing, the seal is tight, with the screw cap fixed on the inner wall and a waterproof gasket worn on the outer wall. The connection part (including screw fixation) is coated with waterproof structural adhesive. 6. Fix the bottom corner with chemical screws, and after rotating the hole, use an air cylinder to treat the dust inside the hole. The chemical (disinfectant) water behind the hole should be used. When fixing the screw, use an electric drill to rotate the screw rod into the appropriate height. Wait for 30 minutes before securing and compressing.

Кормовая башня для разведения


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